Social housing, technology and doing things the “old fashioned way”

When I was at school, we didn’t have our own calculators. I remember we had a…

Manage who can see and do what with enhanced user access controls

Are you happy with the level of control you have over your organisation’s data? Do you…

How to save hours per week with our easy differential rent scheme calculator

Differential rent scheme calculator for huge time savings Labouring with cumbersome spreadsheets and manual processes to…

Affinity in April: Rent policy version numbers, improved date selectors and more…

Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and bug fixes we shipped in April.

Affinity in March: Export statement entries, enhanced void management, rent policy updates and more…

Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and bug fixes we shipped in April.

Affinity in February: Improved void report, enhancements to rental debit and credits and more…

Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and bug fixes we shipped in February.

Affinity in Janurary: Enhanced tenant statement view, password protect statements and more…

Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and bug fixes we shipped in January.

Affinity in December: Redesigned user interface to improve user experience and more…

Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and bug fixes we shipped in December.